Granite Countertops

Granite Countertops

Granite countertops are arguably the most popular choice for Baton Rouge homeowners when building or remodeling—you certainly hear it mentioned so often. Its durability, versatility, and style have contributed to its stellar reputation. See if granite countertops from STONE are the right choice for your Baton Rouge home’s aesthetics and your family’s lifestyle. 

What Exactly is Granite? 

Granite is a dense, igneous rock formed from solidified lava or magma. Its mineral composition includes crystallized quartz, mica, and feldspar. To get even more scientific, granite is classified as a felsic igneous rock because of its particular mixture of components. Italy and Brazil are among the most prolific granite-producing countries. At these quarries, miners blast and cut out the full slabs, then fabricators cut and polish the stone to make it countertop-ready. Now that you know where it comes from, you’re likely interested in how it looks and holds up.

Why Choose Granite Countertops?

For home interiors—as well as home exteriors!—granite countertops are a popular choice. The material is classic, durable, and easy to clean. The colors never fade, and it can handle hot pots, pans, and curling irons. It can also withstand the elements, making it an ideal material for outdoor kitchens or entertainment spaces. When you consider all of this amazing quality and durability, granite is also quite affordable. What’s more—it adds real value to your property. An investment in granite countertops is an investment in your home.

Granite Countertops Colors:

Ready to Talk Granite Countertops? Schedule a Free Consultation!

STONE only sources the best-quality granite slabs. Get started at either of our locations. Our Lobdell location features a stone wall with natural stone samples, and our Airline location offers samples and full slabs of stock inventory. Once you select your perfect pieces, our experienced professionals cut it specifically to fit your counters.

To get started, make an appointment to visit with our design professionals. We’ll walk you through all your options to find the best option to match your needs, style, and budget.